Originally Posted by martinguerre
the funniest thing of it all is that life doesn't look very smart, so far as we can judge that.
there are lots of inefficiencies, redundancies, and oddities in how life is designed. c'mon...appendixes just aren't intelligent in human beings.
Plus the fact that this "can't create complexity with evolution" BS they're spewing shows that they failed the evolution section of their own highschool bio class. Of course you can create complexity. The IDiots are approaching evolution as though one day an amoeba sat (er. . squished?) down and said "Hey! I think I'll evolve into a lizard!."
If you realize that a single celled organism with a genetic mutation might divide and become a multi-celled organism, then you can easilly accept that complexity can evolve. After all, a human is nothing but a multi-celled organism that is the result of kajillions of years of slow, steady, tiny generational changes. When those changes helped an organism survive, they were passed on to the kids. When those changes made it harder to survive, the organism got eaten and didn't have any kids to pass them on to.