Originally Posted by cynthetiq
Why not? I work quite hard each year, and I'm very lucky to get a 3% raise.
without commentary on the issue of unions, it's interesting to see this statement without larger commentary.
if this is, on average, true for most workers, we're looking very quickly at the age of american decline. if our inflation rate is outstripping our wage gains, that has to indicate a negative change in productivity per worker.
think of it this way. if you made the company $100 per day last year, and this year that same amount of goods is worth $105, your pay should go up five percent, right?
but if instead, you only get a three percent raise, you are in fact less productive this year than last.
unless, that's all bullshit because what's really happening is that your company is screwing you for the difference by letting your wages stay the same while they take in more money from inflated prices.
you know...just two possibilities.