Gladiator was a very good film. Especially for 2000 in my opinion. Ridley Scott is amazing in most of his pieces. You can always count on him to actually tell a story with his similar pieces. I think that is why you have to appreciate Gladiator and even Kingdom of Heaven on a certain level. Most movies dump you into the action and you see one perspective with no alternative intepretation. I have no problem with this. Some movies are supposed to just be fun. Those two films, however, are not.
Wanted to add that Troy was very uninspiring to me. It really didn't do anything more than made for tv movies other than throw in big name actors. Alexander was a shitfest with broken transitions. It seems like everything Colin Farrell touches immediately turns to shit. I feel the same about Oliver Stone.
Last edited by Justsomeguy; 12-20-2005 at 03:36 PM..