Originally Posted by tecoyah
I will now support Impeachment proceedings.....and this saddens me more than I can say. A line has been crossed in my mind, which I have consistently moved to avoid this conclusion, perhaps I have been fooling myself , or I may just be afraid of the implications. By signing off on this action, the President of the United States has broken the oath of office, and this is unacceptable in my mind, as I see the constitution as law. If not the only law right now that keeps the federal branch in check. If we allow this action to go unchallenged.......we are handing a blank check to an administration that has a history of removing civil liberties......Not a good Idea in my opinion.
Agreed, whole-heartedly.
I have been against the actions of the Bush administration on this front since USA PATRIOT was pushed through Congress after 9/11/2001.
What has happened to American citizens' civil liberties in the past 20 years - through administrations on both sides of the aisle - has been absolutely unconscionable. At least in most of those cases those losses have been at the hands of Congress - whom we can hold responsible. When the losses are at the hands of the Commander In Chief, and are done through seemingly-illegal Presidental Orders, then I think there's only one action to be undertaken: impeachment.