It makes sense to me to trade less pay for less porformance...isn't that what pay rates are all about (performance)? So I'm not sure why you would object to someone saying: we'll take less pay if we can perform less optimally.
Without the empirical data in front of us, it's pure speculation about the number of execs with golden parachutes, or the extent of "drag" they exert on the economy and vice versa with the union members. While it could be either or both harming the economy or efficiency, but your comments seems to stem from how you feel about unions in general rather than any actual evidence for your claims that most execs are over-worked and underpaid laborers. If that's true, and both the workers and execs are over-worked and underpaid, then where is the money going? To the stockholders (and not likely to be you and me who probably own a fingernail scraping of miscrosoft, etc.)?
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