Originally Posted by stevo
+1 to free the terrorist
But this doesn't fit neatly into my assesment. Perhaps number 2? obviously not 3 since pcakes clearly states we have always had terrorism. maybe number 4, but thats a stretch.
Duck and Cover. Duck. and. Cover.
I really don't believe anyone on here believes there are no terrorists. The problem existing is the fact we have a president who puts himself above the law and in every action claims he does it because he's fighting terrorists.
I think some of us don't buy into that reasoning. Get the warrants, keep the bad guys in prison. Do it the right way.
Breaking the laws we hold as what sets us apart from all other nations, the laws we have had men fight and die for, the laws we hold as sacred, is wrong and erodes away the rights we have and hold so dear.
It's like in '04 when they would raise the alerts for the sole purpose to scare people. It's wrong.
Wiretapping illegally is wrong. The President has many many tools in his possession to do it legal and in the right ways. Yet this president refuses to.
The question shouldn't be whether or not he can..... the question should be why is he not using the LEGAL means, why is he doing this and subverting the laws that are in place?