I really haven't made up my mind what I want to study. My undergrad is in applied math -statistics. My professional background is in Telecommunications, Software Engineering and Insurance.
The "what" of studying can be broken into two parts: 1) I can study what interests me at the moment: Neuroscience... or 2) I can study what others will be interested in: Actuarial Science. The fact that I have no background in Neuroscience doesn't dissuede me. I just have to take the GMAT (or whatever) and pass. I am pretty good at regurgitating on tests (thus the Math degree).
I'm kind of sick of thinking about it. If I went for something like Anthropology -I wouldn't leave without a PhD. Honestly the "what" isn't as important as the "how".
As good as I am at tests -I am terrible at making ends meet right now. My finances simply suck, and I need that warm fuzzy feeling of "everything will be alright if I do this".