Originally Posted by rlynnm
As I was reading, I had the impression building, 'dude she took advantage of your drunken stupor and woo'ed you into pulling out $100 for her' I figure, some guys are gullible enough in the presence of girls when they're sober, what more if they're intoxicated. Luckily, you got to see most of that money, and maybe more of her --for her honesty you know. lol.
Believe me I thought this too the next morning! B/c the block past my house is HER bank, and then we walked another block in the other direction past my house to the convience store where I could of just paid debit.
the 1/2 the candy that was bought and the scratch tickets would of all been my buying (she doesnt like gambling, and i buy those tickets fairly often) but I HATE beef jerky and some of the candy bought.
and yeah i got most of the $$ back, so I guess she is trust worthy.