What do you want to study? That is the main question.
Personally, I am studying something that I would NEVER pay for an advanced degree in: anthropology. The pay-off after graduation, even with a PhD, is too uncertain/low to consider going into any kind of debt over. Thankfully, as with most liberal-arts PhD programs, I haven't had to pay a dime so far (just got my MA last spring, on the road to the PhD now) because of assistantships. If the day comes when my assistantships or outside aid runs out, that'll be the day that I quit graduate school! It's just not worth paying for myself.
Now, if you were going into law or something money-making like that, you can expect to take out a LOT of loans. Close to $100,000 if not more, depending on the school and prestige, etc. But the bonus is that you end up *making* so much more money that the loans are really not an issue.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran