Originally Posted by ratbastid
I'd like to see From Hell remade to be more consistent with the graphic novel. That'd be a movie, boy. And I'd love to see Watchmen adapted for film, although the high-80's zeitgeist that gives rise to the political underpinings of the story is a little dated. You'd have to turn it into a "fight the terrorists" story, and the whole Doomsday Clock motif would have to change, which would be regrettable.
That seems like a new painter trying to paint Picaso, before learning simple shapes. Hollywood has ruined so many comics by making s**tty movies avbout them (Spider-man 1, Men In Black 2, Batman Forever/and Robin, Fantastic Four, Daredevil, etc.). I'd say start with something simple. The first Superman movie managed to capture a great deal of what the first Superman comics were about. Batman Begins is starting to head in the direction of Dark Knight, instead of Adam West (thank God). V, From Hell, and Watchmen are examples of the best the medium has to offer, and I suspect that there is no way that any movie maker can capture what they really communicate, at least in the current climate of hollywood.