Originally Posted by Gilda
(IMO, better than Watchmen)
Afraid I have to disagree with you there, but there's room for more than one opinion in the world.
I liked V, but not being English, it didn't have the cultural resonance with me that it might have had. Still, it looks like the filmmakers have taken the opportunity--some might say the liberty--of making a statement about contemporary politics with the film.
Just because Moore has distanced himself from the project doesn't necessarily mean it won't be any good. Moore is one of the world's true geniuses, but he's also notoriously fussy with his material.
I'd like to see From Hell remade to be more consistent with the graphic novel. That'd be a movie, boy. And I'd love to see Watchmen adapted for film, although the high-80's zeitgeist that gives rise to the political underpinings of the story is a little dated. You'd have to turn it into a "fight the terrorists" story, and the whole Doomsday Clock motif would have to change, which would be regrettable.