Originally Posted by MORGAN_LeFAY
Ah Ha! see I was appeal to him by my sex driven hormones...so there wasn't much sentimental feeling there, and that is why this is a "gift" and not a relationship.And I guess I have lots more to learn about sex -_-. Its just that I feel wierd because I always though that's what sex is all about, feeling good which is the orgasm(I kind of thought orgasm was a natural result of sex). Now I kind of feel ignorant >.<.
My first time was to the one I really felt deeply for and it was undefinable but we're over and the guy right now is just the second guy I've been with , before that I've never tried masterbating which is probably why too, I should learn more about myself before concerning about why I cant recieve get what I want from someone else when I dont even know what I want, wow! all of a sudden I feel selfish...
ahaah alright!Not only have I came to many realization, but also learn more about myself (or atleast will be), this is very educational and I have you guys to thanks  .
Don't feel ignorant, isn't that why we're all here? To share our own knowledge and experiences--(regardless of how they're perceived). Congrats on at least knowing what the issue might be.
The hardest thing is to be honest with yourself, especially if that means completely redefining the world you've come to know.
Don't look too hard, I'm right in front of you.