i'm not gonna separate these things, i'll just throw them down as they come to me.
i want: a new job, lower car insurance payments, a second computer screen, a handheld gps receiver, a digital slr camera, a sweetheart who isn't afraid of being not-so-sweet when one desires something a little more playful, some toys appropriate to those not-so-sweet moments, new furniture, a nice down-filled futon mattress, the opportunity i need to immerse myself in my education, a great coffeshop closer to home or a home closer to a great coffeshop, more time with my daughter, at least four pair of new shoes; hikers, sneakers, docs, and flip-flops, 7 stone less, more books, a new wallet, and a trip to philly so i can eat pat's every day for a week.
(yeah, i broke the rules. watcha gonna do?)
My country is the world, and my religion is to do good.
- Thomas Paine
Last edited by phredgreen; 12-19-2005 at 09:26 AM..