Originally Posted by Ustwo
Ironicly nothing illegal seems to be happening here, I'm sorry so many of you don't like it, but it is to be expected.
After reading through the last several posts, for some reason this quotation came to mind, you can fill in the blanks to your taste I suppose.
It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
ummm...and he was hitting the hitting while it was hitting, and benji yelled and lurch lurched, and he was hitting the hitting while it was hitting? aside from that, nice insult, but of course, i could care less. i thought this had to do with an untraceable claim of executive privelage and authority, and the provisions of the 4th amendment, no? that's not illegal? hmmm...
Now, since you like quotes and I think Faulkner is way overstated, how about this one:
"Do you know that a national home decorating magazine wants to do a four-page color spread on this building?" Dorian asked.
"If you had any sense, you would realize that that is the ultimate insult," Ignatius snorted. "