there is so much pressure on women, especially from women's magazines to achieve the big o that women are often made to feel like failures if the don't every time.
It's more normal to not have an orgasm every time than it is to have one... (least according to one of the last articles i read- I'm sure next month that will change too)
Orgasms are 90 percent mental and 10 percent physical _- ok so I made up the percentage - but it's more mental than physical and you might be putting too muchthought into why you aren't having one and worrying if you will rather than enjoying the process and if you have one.. well hot diggity...
I know I've had problems over the years because of my 'control freak' tendencies and not fully trusting the person I was with to really lose control...
Concentrate on foreplay... ask him to read you erotic stories, or penthouse forum letters or something along that lines... and just let your mind go... and your body...
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.