Originally Posted by rlynnm
As far as people questioning the point of drinking sans the extrem intoxication..well, there ARE those who drink just to let loose, get rid of a few inhibitions. i mean hell if I were to lose my inhibitions I'd like to know what the heck I'd be doing.
Past college age, that's just why most people drink. They just want to relax at the end of the day, lift a drink or two to ease the tension so they can laugh a little, maybe let down their protective shields a bit with each other and be real. Drinking is much more a social activity that accompanies other activities: a dinner, a barbecue, business, a formal cocktail party.
The "drinking to get hammered" thing seems to be a function of the late teens and early 20s. Most people leave it behind.
There are those who don't; they tend to end up sitting on folding chairs in drafty meeting halls, drinking bad coffee and telling their stories to each other. If they're lucky.