Is there such thing as the "right one" ?
So on my birthday god have granted me an attractive being for me to.. pretty much enslave, do anything to my liking. It's like his main job is to satisfy me. I couldnt ask for more, but ( grr the big fucking but!) I can't have a damn orgasm! doing any sexual activities would become a chore for me ... (except I get pleasures from doing chores), why is that?! is it me?
And the poor man try every night with everything he could think of from just giving me oral for hours on end and have me do nothing in return! So I feel bad sometimes and would ask him what he wants and he would just answer "to give you the pleasure that you give me", yeah well sorry honey I'll just give the illusion of satisfaction, yep that's right faking it.
My friend say that you just need the "right one" to make it feel good, but what do you think? etc. (to my horror I'm starting to grow weary of sex altogether o.O)