Get into something at night, a part-time job. (maybe something that also does tips)
Get SOME income in.
This will make you available during the day for interviewing & job hunting.
This will also give you some more flexiblity because you are not as desperate.
When you do find the full-time job you want, scale back your hours at the part-time job but still keep it.
It's still at night and won't interfere with your new job.
This will allow you to do several things.
One, you will have something on the side during your probation period and if things don't work out.
Two, it will also you to catch up quicker on your bills and savings
Three, it will give you extra income to get you back out on your own.
It will mean much more effort on your part,
but the returns will be three fold.
Money, self-reliability & reaching your goal efficiently.
Good luck