Originally Posted by Charlatan
I just wonder if the US is ready for real democracy.
What if an election brings to power a government that is Anti-US or that wants to Nationalize the oil fields?
Just speculation. The opposite can be said as well.
What will the insurgents do if a pro-US government is elected that gives *very* favourable to concessions to US led Big Oil?
I'm not getting involved with the majority of this discussion; in my opinion it's kind of played out. What I will say is, in response to the above, is that if the Iraqi government tries to limit US access to the oil fields, I suspect someone with olive skin and a sweet pair of sunshades in Baghdad is going to be getting a flaming fist of fury shoved up their asses. After the ungodly amount of US $$$ that are flowing in this whole war in Iraq, I strongly suspect that the US and/or US interests will have superduper #1 access to those oil fields.
Charlatan, I agree that it's really funny to me that recently, I haven't heard nearly as much discussion of Middle Easten oil as I do all this stuff about terrorism and Sadaam giving everyone wedgies all the time and balsa wood fliers that could have destroyed North American civilization with mustard gas slathered dirty nuclear bombs, or whatever the argument was supposed to have been of how Iraq posed a tangible thread to the security of the United States.
It seems to me that the only credible reasons to justify a US invasion of Iraq originate and end with concerns over geo-political stability of the mid east, the perceived need of the US to have a stronger military presence in the area, and the need to assure preferential access to oil supplies; which really is one and the same as the need for a stronger military presence. News Flash. We're not really pulling out any time soon.
All this crap about moral reasons to go in, and the
evil nature of the former regime, and operation enduring freedom etc. would seem laughable if someone pulled them out in an overnight game of
Axis and Allies or the equivalent strategy game; yet somehow we're supposed to buy them in a
real live war strategy situation. I mean, I assume our military / government leaders played
Risk! or
chess or something when they were kids? I just don't understand the position that the US is actually going around the world invading places and spending tres muchos de la denaros because there are bad men hurting people's freedoms all over the place. It just doesn't add up when you consider it in context of what people are doing all over the world, and what our response usually is. The
only thing that makes Iraq anything other than a shitty desert that we would see on National Geographic is the assload of oil in the ground, but somehow that's not our chief objective over there?