Originally Posted by highthief
When the memory of Mel Lastman begging the military for snow shovels fades away, Toronto can shed the snow wimp image!

at the risk of raising the ire of the smug 905-ers, not only did Mel call in the military to help the shut-ins, but to quell the rising impatience of commuters who, for 5 days, couldn't drive in from the burbs easily.
I loved that storm, I taped it's progress through the 4 successive dumpings, and to the point where the huge snowblowers from PEI (thanks PEI!!!) and line of dump trucks removed the 8 foot high icy piles from the street.
edit: actually I just remembered, my neighbour and I were chatting about that storm last night. Her mom just flew in from (Bridgewater) Nova Scotia. They are both easterners, and both were under the impression that calling in the military was the right thing to do.