I'm working on a HTML builder program (don't know why, bored one day, so I thought I should try it). the whole thing is encased in a 'task launcher' thing, all one self-contained exe (no installation neccesary!). Anyways, some of the features are a HEAD Code Generator (for css styles and stuff, also div transparency & rollover stuff!), 3 'HTML Edit' windows(head, body, and a compiled version (built on the click of a button), file saving(currently supporting .txt, .htm, .html, .cgi, .java, .php, [i think i am forgetting 1 - all are encoded as text, so less work

]), and a text parser(which finds and replaces words/characters with other words/characters - currently supporting 30 different things, with pre-programmed defaults[special characters]), and that's it so far... currently, I am at a wall for what I should do, and how to go about it. I allready programmed everything up to now, but I am looking for a way to color specific strings as things are typed in, such as the tag turns maroon when they input the tag <br> and turns cyan when they input the tag <img>. I have crawled the internet, searching and searching, to no avail. Also, does anyone know of a way to make it where you have licenses and it verifies it is a unique license (ie registration code using the comp's os id)? This program is going to be freeware to all on the Titled Forum that want it, when it is completed.