Originally Posted by stevo
To me those statistics look rather promising. One in six iraqis (16.66%) overall feel that security is bad because of US forces (34% of 49%). Thats far from the majority. Most iraqis claim their life is better now and most are optimistic about it getting better. Only 1 in 10 iraqis feel that the primary goal should be to get rid of US forces.
i agree much of it is promising but much it is telling also. look at these ones:
•Since the war, how do you feel about the way in which the U.S. and other coalition forces have carried out their responsibilities? Very good job .......... 10% Quite a good job .......... 27% Quite a bad job .......... 19% Very bad job .......... 40%
•Do you support or oppose the presence of coalition forces in Iraq? Strongly support .......... 13% Somewhat support .......... 19% Somewhat oppose .......... 21% Strongly oppose .......... 44%
•How has the security situation changed since Iraq regained sovereignty in June 2004?
Those saying it's better Better: 41% Don't know: 10%
Who is responsible for the improvement? Iraqi police .......... 28% Government .......... 22% Iraqi army .......... 12% Security forces .......... 10%
Those saying it's worse Worse: 31% Same: 18%
Who is responsible for the deterioration? Americans .......... 34% Government .......... 30% Terrorists .......... 17% Iraqi police .......... 5%
I think these stats are telling in how american troops are precieved.