I would want the two GURPS stand-bys:
Super-human strength
and Super-Healing (aka Wolverine)
I once created a Superhero in GURPS that was totally balanced. I had dozens of superpowers, but they didn't cost many points because they came with inherent flaws...
I could fly, but since I was afraid of clouds I could not fly very high.
I could breathe under water, but only salt water.
I could talk to animals, but they didn't like me very much and thought I was submissive, thus I had a 50/50 chance they would attack me if I tried.
I had superhuman healing, but very brittle bones, so crush damage took 5 times as long to heal, basically taking me out of the fight.
The list went on and on, but the funny thing was that in every situation, I had the superpower to deal with something, but I would undoubtedly cause some Jerry-Lewis-like comedy of errors in the process that I just ended up retiring the character.
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.