Originally Posted by albania
Maybe your points could actually be discussed if you acted in a civil manor, if no one has anything to add to this "discussion" then this thread might as well be closed. I can see that a true discussion/debate seems unattainable on this particular subject.
I'm seeing this discussion, as many other on this particular forum have, degrade into a Democrat/Republican shi*slinging fest.
What crap.
When we stop dealing with each other as labels such as "right-winger", "liberal", "neo-con", etc., we'll be able to more rationally discuss issues.
These labels are designed to take away our ability to talk with each other, aside from an "I hate the other side" perspective. They're also designed to polarize the politics in this country into two distinct groups. I think we'd be much better off scrapping the Dems/Reps and looking at some of the smaller parties who have some new, fresh ideas for government.
Oh, and so I'm not ENTIRELY thread-jacking...
I'm glad our gov't finally admitted that our intel was faulty. While I don't buy the argument that "we broke it, it's ours" -- Iraq was well and truly broken LONG before we ever stepped into the picture -- I do believe that we further de-stabilized the country and probably the region with our actions. Therefore, we should at least try to assist with re-stabilization. Then we should get the FUCK out.