I think the main difference between Iraq and the other wars is who was the agressor. In the previous ones we were defending ourselfs or others against an agressor in this war we are the agressor. There is a huge difference between defending yourself or a nation that cannot defend itself and attacking a nation. Yes Saddam was bad but now we are fighting a war against Iraqi's. Iraqi's are targeting american's, our soldiers are escalting the problems.
There are a bunch of very interesting polls in this weeks Time.
Overall, how would you say things are going these days ...
... in your life? Very well .......... 22% Quite well .......... 49% Quite badly .......... 18% Very badly .......... 11%
... in Iraq overall? Very well .......... 14% Quite well .......... 30% Quite badly .......... 23% Very badly .......... 30%
•What is your expectation for how things will be a year from now ...
... in your life? Better .......... 64% Same .......... 14% Worse .......... 12%
... in Iraq overall? Better .......... 69% Same .......... 11% Worse .......... 11% ...
•What is your main priority for Iraq over the next 12 months? (Top five answers) Regaining public security .......... 57% Getting U.S. forces out .......... 10% Rebuilding infrastructure .......... 9% Increasing oil production .......... 7% Having a stable government .......... 5%
63% said dealing with members of the Saddam Hussein regime is “no priority at all”
•How has the security situation changed since Iraq regained sovereignty in June 2004?
Those saying it's better Better: 41% Don't know: 10%
Who is responsible for the improvement? Iraqi police .......... 28% Government .......... 22% Iraqi army .......... 12% Security forces .......... 10%
Those saying it's worse Worse: 31% Same: 18%
Who is responsible for the deterioration? Americans .......... 34% Government .......... 30% Terrorists .......... 17% Iraqi police .......... 5%
•Do you think security will improve or worsen in a year? Improve .......... 70% Worsen .......... 12%
•How safe do you feel in your neighborhood? Very safe .......... 63% Not very safe ..........30%
OPTIMISM, BUT OLD DIVISIONS REMAIN Iraqi public opinion is remarkably upbeat, but behind the numbers are the ethnic rivalries that have long split the country. The Sunnis, who held power under Saddam Hussein, feel the most aggrieved
ENTIRE COUNTRY Life is better since the war .......... 51% U.S. was right to invade Iraq .......... 46% Feel very safe in neighborhood .......... 63% Approve of new constitution .......... 70% Oppose coalition forces .......... 64%
KURDISH AREA Life is better since the war .......... 73% U.S. was right to invade Iraq .......... 80% Feel very safe in neighborhood .......... 91% Approve of new constitution .......... 88% Oppose coalition forces .......... 22%
SHI’ITE AREA Life is better since the war .......... 59% U.S. was right to invade Iraq .......... 58% Feel very safe in neighborhood .......... 82% Approve of new constitution .......... 85% Oppose coalition forces .......... 59%
BAGHDAD AREA Life is better since the war .......... 59% U.S. was right to invade Iraq .......... 47% Feel very safe in neighborhood .......... 70% Approve of new constitution .......... 79% Oppose coalition forces .......... 72%
SUNNI AREA Life is better since the war .......... 25% U.S. was right to invade Iraq .......... 16% Feel very safe in neighborhood .......... 21% Approve of new constitution .......... 36% Oppose coalition forces .......... 85%
•Which of these systems would be best for Iraq ...
... now? A democracy .......... 57% A dictatorship .......... 26% An Islamic state .......... 14%
... in 5 years? A democracy .......... 64% A dictatorship .......... 18% An Islamic state .......... 12%
•How much confidence do you have that the elections planned for this month will create a stable Iraqi government? A great deal .......... 42% Quite a lot .......... 34% Not very much .......... 14% None .......... 5%
•Percentage who think women should be able to ... 99% ... vote 99% ... be a doctor 84% ... drive a car 80% ... run for national office 78% ... instruct men at work 77% ... run for local office 51% ... be Governor 46% ... be President
•Since the war, how do you feel about the way in which the U.S. and other coalition forces have carried out their responsibilities? Very good job .......... 10% Quite a good job .......... 27% Quite a bad job .......... 19% Very bad job .......... 40%
•Do you support or oppose the presence of coalition forces in Iraq? Strongly support .......... 13% Somewhat support .......... 19% Somewhat oppose .......... 21% Strongly oppose .......... 44%
•When should coalition forces leave Iraq? When security is restored .......... 31% Now .......... 26% After a new government is in place .......... 19% When Iraqi security forces are ready .......... 16%
This poll was conducted for TIME, ABC News, the BBC, NHK and Der Spiegel by Oxford Research International. Interviews were conducted in person from Oct. 8 to Nov. 13, in Arabic and Kurdish, among a random national sample of 1,711 Iraqis age 15 and older. Margin of error is +/- 2.5 percentage points.
The fact is many Iraqi's do not want us there, they don't want us there enough that they are attacking us. We are now the enemy.
Here is what we need to do. Withdraw our troops from every city. Hand control of the cities over to local forces but maintain our forces in rural areas outside of the cities. Stay there for a few months and if any cities errupt in violence then move into those cities and retake control. Cities that don't have problems maintain their soverignty. And eventually troops will get moved to trouble areas only. This will do so much good for us. 1) it moves our troops out of harms way 2) it stops the pooring of fule on the fire 3) it prepairs us for a with draw 4) it allows us to focus on trouble areas while leaving other areas alone. 5) It gives Iraqi's the impression that we are leaving and progress is being made. 6) we could start bringing troops home. I'm sure I could list many more points.
I challenge you all to come up with reasons that something like this would be a bad plan.