Teenage drinking is here to stay folks no matter what we think.
I have no problem letting kids have a drink in the family home with supervision. (I was allowed to have beer and wine with dinner and special occasions). When I was going out for the night my Mom would buy me a case of beer if I asked because she knew I was responsible when drinking it. Totally banning alcohol only makes them want to try it that much more. I had friends at school that just wanted to get pissed on weekends no matter what, while I liked having a few beers to catch a buzz instead.
I would never sell to minors I didn't know, but when my kids get to the age where they want some beer or wine and they are responsible enough to handle it, I would be happy to get them some. If they turn out to be idiots about it or break the rules (drinking and driving, selling/supplying it to others) they get none from me.
It's too bad there are so many fuckups that don't know how to instill proper values and character in their children.
The legal age here is 19.
nice line eh?
Last edited by splck; 05-23-2003 at 09:00 AM..