Opera and Yahoo! Mail
I have been using Opera since version 2. It has never looked right or operated correctly as it does in Internet Explorer or Firefox.
1. The buttons for Reply, Forward etc when browsing messages look off kilter inside their blue bar.
2. Certain JavaScript events just don't work.
Setting your browser to identify itself as IE or Firefox doesn't fix either of these problems.
For the new beta version of Yahoo! Mail, you cannot login, period. My hypothesis: it must have something to do with the fact that even though you can identify yourself as IE or Firefox, it user agent string still contains the "Opera" somewhere. I haven't checked what is actually being sent as I don't have a packet sniffer handy.
Does anyone else notice anything funny with either version of Yahoo! Mail under Opera (and which version are you using)? Does anyone know how to fix or workaround such issues with Opera?
And no, you cannot get an invite to the new beta version of Yahoo! Mail: Yahoo! is not operating their beta test phase in the same manner as Google Mail: you simply get invited when the company chooses to pick your name from their list (you can sign up for the beta phase however).
"You looked at me as if I was eating runny eggs in slow motion." - Gord Downie of The Tragically Hip