Originally Posted by Ustwo
I kinda thought that, and I'd ask you to look at what I'm saying with an open mind.
If you only got into politics in 1999, and you didn't start to hear such phrases until 2000, its most likely not a fair assumption that they are new, you may just never have heard them. I'm not saying there are not buzz phrases that are used more now than in the past, or new ones made up all together. From Bush's ultimately destructive 'compationate conservative' to the lefts attept to promote Al Gores 'gravitas' the pundits do often seem like they are getting marching orders to use phrases as much as possible.
This is a mild threadjack, but since we're talking about it...
I've always thought it was fun to figure out what these buzz phrases are code for. Gore's "gravitas" is code for "wooden as a cedar chest". "Compassionate conservative" is code for "Panders to far-right voters who are nominally Christian."