Originally Posted by j8ear
...Now what about, this legalization issue. I'm for it. Legalization that is, and honestly the decriminilazation of all victimless crimes. What is the US doing in this regard to subvert the will of the Canadian People? How is this possible?
Not really subverting the will of the Canadian people, per se, but instead acting in a very "Heavy Handed" way with their foriegn policies. The US ambassador, the FBI, the DEA and many other powerful groups in the US that walk softly and carry big fucking sticks told Canadian lawmakers that if they pursued bill C-38, there would be serious economic sanctions against Canada; they said this as a way to protect the american people from the drug induced scourge that would befall them if people were allowed to smoke the electric letuce.
I want to clarify: Are you in support of legalization of cannibis, or the decriminalization?
Legalization would include the federal (and provincial, as far as I know) government taxing the consumption of the product, as well as regulating the sale of said product. Much like liquor or tobacco. Sin taxes would abound, and the clerk would ask to see your ID before they sold you your 1/8th.
Please refer to this boring-assed link
Decriminalization turns the punishment section of the criminal code dealing with the prohibited substance cannibis to a different act (the contraventions act), like a traffic ticket. Notice the difference here: It is still illegal, for all intents and purposes; it is still in the criminal code of Canada; it holds the same regulations as other fines, and there is a tracking system. You have to provide your name, ID, et cetera to officers, and if you don't pay the fine, you are in trouble.
There is a limit to the amount of marijuana (or cannibis oil aka "Hash") a person has on their posession... a small amount = small fine; large amount = large fine; really large amount = worse jail sentence than there is right now.
Example: Say there is a guy, I don't know, let's call him Flyman. Flyman likes de herb, and usually keeps 15 grams on his person. Instead of a criminal record and jail time, he now gets a fine ($150). This is infinitely better than the 1000$ fine or six months imprisonment (or both) that is currently in place. Plus, add to that the time and energy saved in the justice system by not pursuing these crimes.
What would happen if traffic violations were arrested, fingerprinted, photographed, processed, given a court date, and then tried at the provincial court? It would be quite the backlog. WAIT A SECOND. We are doing that with cannibis charges right now!!!
It is kind of a middle ground, you see. We don't have to
like little Flyman, but in accepting his rebellious behaviour he is paying fines and keeping out of trouble. We are still sanctioning him, but in a more appropriate way. Very Canadian.