Originally Posted by stevo
it is what it is.
Such a lovely koan. The shrug that goes with it is almost French in its intent.
Originally Posted by stevo
then stop complaining.
so do you or don't you want the US to be the world police. Seems to me we're damned if we do and we're damned if we don't so we might as well not place too much weight on what the world thinks as much as what is in our best interest, because after all they're not going to be happy with what we do anyway. You just can't please them all, you know.
I don't want anyone to be the "world police". I am simply trying to point out that this altruism that the Administration is using for spin is a lot of baloney.
Originally Posted by stevo
The Administration...you mean the Bush Administration? you lost me. I don't think our current president ever supported saddam.
No. You are right. The President would never support the man that tried to kill his daddy. But, Rumsfeld and Cheney were certainly supporting him during the Reagan Administration.
You are right. The Iraqis are doing better now that the sanctions have been lifted. Although comparing thier financial status now to what it was like under Saddam and sanctions is a bit much.
My point is... that, like many, I am highly suspicious of Cheney's involvment with Halliburton and the profits that are being made by that company's involvment in the rebuilding of Iraq. Why not just let the Iraqi's rebuild their country? It seems they've done it before. It also seems that a lot of the conflict in Iraq has to do with foreign (read: American) precense in Iraq. Why exacerbate this by importing more Americans?