All this administration has done is whack a hornets nest with a stick. Left alone, you *might* have gotten stung. Using the stick has pissed off the hornets and many that would have went about there business are now actively stinging the stick wielder.
Iraq was no threat to the US.
It is interesting to note that the Iraqi sanctions were about to be lifted. European oil companies were already in negotiations for deals with the Iraqis while US companies were going to be completely left out. It's also interesting that it is US interests that are benefitting from the rebuilding of Iraq and the exploitation of its oil... rather than say, the Iraqis?
Why is it that the Iraqis, who have a lot of experience in rebuilding their infrastructure (it have been destroyed and rebuilt a few times now) aren't being permitted to rebuild their own country? Why are those contracts going to companies like Halliburton?
Why was the Cheney Energy Task Force meeting with heads of Big Oil and passing around maps of the Iraqi oil feilds in the Spring of 2001? - maps with none of the usual details like cities, roads and towns, rather it was just the oil. It wasn't meant for public consumption of course, but only came to light after a length legal fight by Judicial Watch.
This Task Force also had a chart called "Foreign Suitors for Iraqi Oilfields". It IDs 63 companies from 30 nations who were in various stages of negotiations with the Iraqi government to exploit these fields once the sanctions were lifted.
Interesting that at the same time as this Energy Task Force was meeting and exploring the oil fields of Iraq, the Administration was focused on overthrowing Hussein's regime.
It's also interesting to note that the prize in this scenario would be private ownership of Middle Eastern oil fields for the first time in many, many years.
Of course no one talks about this. It's all just "conspiracy theories". Let's not look into these questions any further.
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke