Originally Posted by guthmund
I drank a bottle of Jack Daniels all by my lonesome and in a timely manner. I remember about 20 minutes after that and then it gets into bits and pieces. I remember hanging out on the front lawn having this deep, thoughtful, sexy conversation with a group of women and then leaning over casually to vomit. I remember nothing else. I found myself face down in a puddle of drool and piss the next morning. Apparently I had to go to the bathroom; I just didn't bother getting up. That, in and of itself, was fairly embarassing, but to make matters worse I found out that I had 'had some words' with a number of people and tried to piss on my good friend's stereo in the living room....in front of everybody.
Oooh I've met you... and cleaned you up and put you to bed ... and have used it to amuse myself at your expense for years...