Originally Posted by willravel
When did Iraq attack the US? Were they at our shores, with WMDs and connections to terrorism? Or were they a middle Eastern country that was sitting on oil that might have ended up in China or Japan? Who attacked first, the United States or Iraq? That's what I thought.
Your family was in danger from Iraq?
How about we leave them alone? That's an alternative. How about we take even a fraction of what we're spending on the rebuilding and spend it on research into alternate fuels? How about we fund our countries DEFENCE, not offence?
How does one alter the course of history? Isn't that any supposed alteration the course of history? If we use up all the oil, perhaps our kids can starve and freeze to death.
Can you explain how we are serving to remedy the problem?
When someone says they are my enemy, when they say they want to destroy me, when they declare war against my nation, when they defy international mandates, when they have a history of killing massive numbers of their own people, when they reward sucide bomber families with $25,000, when they have a history of invading other countries, when they have a hisory of sending bomb to blow-up other countries (Remember the SCUD missles), when they try to hide the fact they may or may not have nuclear weapons, etc, etc.
I think its a problem.
I think it is a threat.
I dont think we can "leave them alone".
We were at war long before we actually went to war.