Do I need a new PSU?
So I've had my comp for almost half a year now:
Athlon 64 3200+
1 GB DDR PC3200
Chaintech 7.1 Sound Card
2 HDs
DVD Burner
The PSU is a 420W what came with the case (Aspire X-Qpack)... What I'm wondering is if it would be a good idea to replace the PSU with newer, name brand one. I don't OC, but would I see any performance increase by changing the PSU? Or for some other reason? I haven't had any real problems with my comp so far, but I've bee keeping an eye on the PSU since it's the only part I didn't really "choose." If I do get one, it'll most likely be a 500-600W Fortron Source PSU. If I don't get the PSU I'll probly pick up another gig of RAM, but I'm guessing that shouldn't affect the current PSU too much. Thanks