What I see here is someone who is FINALLY admitting something that's been painfully obvious from the get go - that Iraq had no WMD's and that intelligence saying they did was wrong. Took him long enough, considering that's been established for over a year now.
What I also see is Bush AGAIN trying to link Iraq to 9/11, even though no connection between the two ever existed. What I FURTHER see is Bush failing to link 9/11 to Saudi Arabia, even though the majority of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi and were trained in Saudi Arabia.
So in other words, I see 90% business as usual bullshit and 10% "oh crap, there's no way we can deny this any more, even the biggest freaking idiot on the planet won't believe us, so let's admit to it in one sentence, sandwiched in between the 90% bullshit, and then claim we've been 100% honest and good like we usually do when we get caught."