Originally Posted by aceventura3
In the world I live in, when confronted with an enemy who wants to kill you, you either fight or die. I choose to fight. I don't trivialize the issue, to the contrary, you might say I take the issue too seriously because I beleive inaction will lead to more death when confronted with an enemy at war with you.
When did Iraq attack the US? Were they at our shores, with WMDs and connections to terrorism? Or were they a middle Eastern country that was sitting on oil that might have ended up in China or Japan? Who attacked first, the United States or Iraq? That's what I thought.
Originally Posted by aceventura3
What matters to me is defending my family, my life, liberty, and property. I will not do others harm if they respect what matters to me.
Your family was in danger from Iraq?
Originally Posted by aceventura3
The instability in the Middle East is a threat, inaction will not solve the problem. Diplomacy failed. Economic sanctions failed. Trying to be nice failed. I am open to other alternatives, but no person or party has presented one.
How about we leave them alone? That's an alternative. How about we take even a fraction of what we're spending on the rebuilding and spend it on research into alternate fuels? How about we fund our countries DEFENCE, not offence?
Originally Posted by aceventura3
Altering the course of history has always taken bold unpopular actions. If we maintain the courage to address the middle east perhaps our children won't have to.
How does one alter the course of history? Isn't that any supposed alteration the course of history? If we use up all the oil, perhaps our kids can starve and freeze to death.
Originally Posted by aceventura3
Yes, I do stand with Bush. Not because of party, but because the problem needs to be addressed.
Can you explain how we are serving to remedy the problem?