Originally Posted by Sage
That sounds very much like bi-polar disorder. If he has raging highs and crushing lows, swings back between good and bad suddenly, with no warning, and very rarely is totally "even keeled" - that's textbook for bi-polar disorder.
Taboo, if he's being manic, for ANY reason, you owe it to yourself and him to get him to counseling or break up. He could seriously, definitely HURT you when he gets into the bottoming out of his manic cycle.
I agree. He needs counseling, but a doctor, too. All possible organic issues should be checked out, and medication may (I say "may," and he should get a couple of opinions on this) be called for.
If you can't get him to move in this direction, you may need to step away from the relationship -- though not entirely from the person, if you still want to help him. Perhaps he has family that could help out or take charge.