Originally Posted by JinnKai
You don't need ; on breaks, in Javascript at least.
This code seems to run fine on my box; I just make a blank html and inserted the Script. This sounds like an issue with your CMS or how this jscript is integrated with your other code (if any).
I came to that conclusion by doing the same thing. It seems to be a problem with how the CMS is running the script.
Originally Posted by JinnKai
That said, wouldn't it be simpler to write it this way? It seems a bit clunky to make an switch statement for 24 cases when you only have a few options;
<snipped great code>
Just a suggestion.. this will even work if you decide to expand to include the different prayers for each time.. just change the document.write string.
Thank you very much! That is far more elegant code than the brute force one I had.
Now if only I can get it to work in the CMS
thanks again