Originally Posted by Daoust
Excuse me, sir! Are you saying that educated people are smart enough know that there is no possibility of an afterlife? That the educated (whatever that term means) have the answers to such things, and the uneducated don't? Or rather that by uneducated you might mean those who have faith in things unseen? There are educated people, believe it or not, who do strongly believe in the afterlife, and their opinions are no less important than that of an educated person who does not believe in an afterlife. Don't be so ignorant as to equate people of faith with people of stupidity.
The best advice I can give to people who have their own ideas of whether there is an afterlife or not, and what it is like, is that you'd better be right.
Good post.
Seems to me better to live according to a Judeo-Christian ethic [and let's take out the "fear of judgement" after for the moment] and attempt to please God by heeding his Word and then be wrong then decide what the hell matter does it make and do whatever you please.
If everyone used the Sermon on the Mount as a goal and set of life principles, how much better would the world be? Measurably.
If everyone simple lived to please sell, how much of a worse place would the world be? Measurably.
Of course, neither extreme generally happens, though it seems we are hedging closer to the 2nd way of life [by the headlines].
Undoubtedly, from perusing this thread and others, this is a minority opinion. No matter. For those who have their mind made up, won't matter anyway.