1. Last purchase you made over $500?
My car, got it from my Grandpa for about $500 dollars, add in the license costs, insurance, etc, it goes over $500, but an incredible deal!
2. Biggest meal you ate yesterday?
A Buffalo Chicken Sandwhich. I was busying taking care of Secret and forgot to eat much myself.
3. Most you've drank in the last year?
There was one weekend where I had to write a paper, take two tests, and drive to Chicago to see Secret all in one day, at least I think it was something like that. I drank about four Mountain Dew Monster's and a lot of water. I was a little hyper that night.

(I took it was drink in general, not just alcohol)
4. Most fun you've had in the last month?
Decorating shesus and I for Christmas.
5. Most times you've had sex in one day in the last year?
Well if you count day as a 24 hour period, I'm pretty sure three.
6. Last movie you saw in the theater?
7. Last movie you purchased or rented and watched at home?
The last movie I purchased was The Machinist with Christian Bale. Last movie I rented I honestly have no clue.
8. Largest amount of cold, hard cash you've had in your hands in the last year?
Well, I'm a bank teller, and my current limit for giving out / counting cash is $10,000. So technically I've had $10,000 of cash in my hands at once, but it certainly wasn't mine.
9. Most you've spent on a meal in the last year?
Around $40-$50.
10. Last professional sporting event you went to?
Black Hawk's hockey game with Secret, probably at least three years ago now.
11. Last piece of clothing you bought?
A white scarf.
12. Last game you played?
Diablo II:Lord of Destruction
13. Last person you talked to on the phone?
My sister Terri.
14. Longest you've stayed awake?
Not really sure, but I know I've come close to 40 hours in the past.
15. Most expensive item of attire you have on at this very moment?
Jeans, I think this pair was about $40.
16. Longest solo road trip you've made?
Never gone more than 200 miles alone.
17. Shortest airline flight you've made?
A connecting flight between I think Frankfurt and Munich, or something like that. It was about half an hour flight.
18. Furthest you've ever commuted for a job?
45 minute drive from the suburbs to the city, not sure about actual mileage.
19. Furthest you've ever been from home this year?
Live in Chicago, drove about four hours into Wisconsin over the summer. I think that's the farthest.
20.Biggest fresh water fish you've ever caught?
Hmmm, maybe 6 or 7 inches, and not anytime recently.