I also think that if the victims' families needed this 30 years later to get over the pain and etc., then they have deeper issues they need help with. This is not intended to be a slight on them by any means, just that what they perceive to relieve their pain will over time in no way compensate and may even increase their feelings of guilt/pain or whatnot. Revenge in my experience certainly feels good, but I don't know how effective it is as a healing mechanism and certainly not after such a protracted period of time.
And, ustwo, rehabilitation has not been utizilzed in our penal system...and not in any correctional system to date, that I am aware of. While penitentiary does stem from the word, pennance, it definately did not equal rehab. Pennance meant sitting in a single cell praying to god until one's death (the usual punishment for all sorts of crimes in our early days of punishment). It certainly had no notions of forgiveness coupled with release into the community as a reformed person attached to it.
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