Originally Posted by dabossy2k
Ya PvP is over rated now. It was fun when town raids and such happened. Or when there was constent fighting going on in Southshore. But now outside PvP sucks because normally its just someone camping you and in BGs its now just people farming HKs or honor points. Kinda sucks really. Right now on the PvE server its kinda nice to just level without having to worry bout the gank, or you know stealthing though entire zones or laying the frost trap with every pull just incase. But I do miss the rush you get when somenoe does sneak up and try to get you, kinda makes for quick thinking. But I needed something new.
Ha ha PVP isn't overrated right now. Everyone hates the current state it's in.  I wish you got way more honor for fighting outside of BGs.
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