Two problems that I have from the previous posts:
if i ran a stop light and caused this huge accident, me paying fines and what not does nothing to reverse the effects, why pay? are we going to do away with the whole system because it doesn't reverse anything? no. it was the understood consequence of my action and i have to learn to deal with them.
The fines you pay go towards repairing the damages you caused, paying the police officers, firemen and ambulances and yes, also punishment. Punishment is punishment, yes, but there are varying degrees for a reason. While I understand your analogy, I don't think it works in this case. You can't equate the punishment received for running a red light with the punishment received for murder.
So here's my simple query: If jail is to rehabilitate, no matter how horrible the crime, and enough rehabilitation is reached to cause the person to become some sort of positively-contributing member of society... then why are we still killing him?
When an inmate is in prison, it is not for rehabilitation - they are held there awaiting their death. It just happens that they're in the same building as other inmates who are, supposedly, there for punishment AND rehabilitation. Whether or not that works...
Tookie just happened to be rehabilitated while he was awaiting his sentence. The fact remains that he was there waiting to die, not to be rehabilitated. That he was rehabilitated apparently has no weight in the matter, as evidenced by the fact that his sentence is being carried out.
I would argue that he could have a greater good on society if granted clemency than by being some kind of example - a weak one at that. If you murder someone, you will be sentenced to death... in 20 years or so? Not very effective, if you ask me. A review of the system seems to be in order. There must be a better way, if for nothing else than efficiency.