Both sides of this argument are patently ridiculous. This is a total non-issue. I can only speculate at the motives of the people who are making such a fuss about it.
I have many friends who are observant jews. To a one, when wished a merry Christmas, will smile and say, "Thanks!". Or maybe, "I don't celebrate Christmas, but thanks! Merry Christmas to you!" Guess what? Non-christians actually don't get offended when you make assumptions about their faith. They're used to it. Most of my jewish friends LOVE Christmas, and are happy to be taking part in our celebration of it. One of them was really excited to be able to come decorate our tree with us yesterday.
On the other hand, what the hell does it hurt to have a little sensitivity? It's NICE to be respectful of other people and their faith. Christmas is all ABOUT being nice to people (cf. Eben. Scrooge, et al). Being wished "Happy Holidays" doesn't detract from my Christmas observance in the slightest. Are Christians really so offended to be reminded that there are non-Christians in the world at this, their most holy shopping season?
What's REALLY an attack against Christmas is those damn card-carying atheists who are celebrating an evil sham of American Right-Wing Norman Rockwell Christmas. Look! ratbastid doesn't even believe in Christ! And he's got a Christmas tree up! And LOOK!! Stockings! Hung by the chimney with care! HEATHEN! BUUUURRRN!!!!