Who cares anyway, Christmas is a made up holiday, it was originally a roman one to celebrate their god, the tree wasn't added until much later by Germans. And it actually being the birth of Jesus is highly speculative. Although i suppose it's better then just picking a day at random, but what I’m saying is if you're that into Christmas, you might want to look into its original meaning, less to do with Jesus more to do with pagans. So why care so much about a made up holiday, does it truly symbolize what people say it does, i don't think so. Almost everyone i know sees Christmas as the time of year you wait in line and receive/give craptacular gifts. So saying happy holidays not necessary from a secular standpoint if you can afford it why not say merry Christmas and a happy new year, too many words for some. Personally i couldn't care less. So I don’t think it’s a war on Christmas, it’s just a preference.