Originally Posted by flat5
A problem with the death sentence is the person is not always guilty.
A prosecuting team wields great power. The power and resources of the state.
Like the man just killed said "I don't see no millionares on death row".
This is precisely why I converted from being a staunch supporter of the death penalty, to opposing it.
Guarantee me that everyone put to death, by the state, is in fact, 100% guilty. Not beyond a "reasonable doubt", but beyond any
shadow of a doubt...then maybe.
There are instances that do shake my resolve. For example, cases where children are abducted, raped and killed. If
anyone truly "deserves" to die...then it would be, in my opinion, those that can commit such crimes. But again, I need to be shown beyond any shadow of a doubt that it was
this man that actually did it. Not just because it was easy for the police to make a case, and the guy couldn't get descent defense counsel.