Originally Posted by maleficent
Give the European and Canadian members a chance to weigh in...
Or any other democracy, Mal. We are the last Democracy to stand by capital punishment in the "civilized" world.
Mal knows me well from a prior time when I would have gladly participated in the killing of a murderer. Ten years have passed since then and I am greatful that I never had the chance to exact my "revenge."
How is it that we remain the last democracy to champion the death of an inmate as justice, but an abortion of a zygote is equated with murder? Can anyone explain this contradiction in pro-life terms to me?
My personal belief is that our government should not assume God-like powers over life or death, in some sort of old testiment justice of eye-for-an-eye. More importantly, the constitution spells out the right of the states over the federal government. I am adament about reducing federal government intrusion, and I am fully in support of state rights to self-government.