A buddy of mine was sent home after being wounded. A Marine, his job for the next few weeks was to attend Marine Funerals around Texas.
There was a mass anti-war protest just down the street from where a funeral was about to commense. They were being EXTREMELY loud, and calling the American soldiers murderurs/etc. He said that he, and the 15 or so Marines in full dress blues walked right up to the front of the protest and politely asked them to move their protest out of respect. They refused and a bunch screamed "facist" and other words at them.
At this point in time a biker gang happened to be roaming through, and a couple of them were jarheads themselves. Riding up to them, they started talking. So in return the bikers circled up around the protesters, revved their engines as loud as possible, and rode continuous circles around them.
They eventually drove the protesters off, and were invited to the funeral services by the family in return. One of them even pulled out a tattered flag from his saddle-sack and presented it (properly folded) to the mother. He explained he's carried that flag from his base in S. Vietnam, and that she deserved it more for her sons sacrifice.
Just think, biker gangs used to be the bad guys...