Originally Posted by shakran
Yeah, certainly no other president would have done that. Not even Reagan when he sold arms to Iran. Oh. . .wait. . . .
I just realized this little sentence of yours wrapped up my entire point and put a little bow on it.
It caused a firestorm when I mentioned Clinton's transgressions, but you're allowed to bring up Reagan. I don't see Ratbastid wringing his hands about that--apparently, you two have no problem with bringing up 20-year-old scandals, as long as they're REPUBLICAN ones. So let's compare a little.
Reagan said, "Give them everything they ask for."
Clinton said, "Deny, deny, deny."
Cunningham said, "The truth is I broke the law, concealed my conduct and disgraced my office." He resigned. As far as is known, he didn't cause anyone to die.
Janet Reno said, "I take full responsibility." She should have added that she took the responsibility as long as she wasn't tried for frying 80 people, and as long as she didn't have to leave office.
One more little detail on Iran-Contra: At the time, helping them was in our country's interest. It involved conventional weapons.
However, no one has yet explained to me why Clinton and Jimmy Carter gave the North Koreans
nuclear material. It's now a huge problem , but you've clearly said you don't give a damn, and you would rather concentrate on the supposed "outing" of a CIA agent who was known worldwide.
Thanks for posting this. It was very helpful.