Originally Posted by shakran
You just don't get this do you? Actually, I don't believe that. I think you DO get this and are pretending to be obtuse so that you can continue to rail on Clinton in a sad attempt to distract us from the current problems.
Personal attack.
I really don't care what Clinton did. Why? Because Clinton isn't in office any more. I'm getting awfully tired of you guys using Clinton to excuse everything Bush has done and is doing. It doesn't matter what Clinton did as far as whether or not it excuses what Bush is doing. Nothing Clinton could possibly have done gives Bush a free pass to do whatever wrongs he wants to do. The sooner the liberals get that through their heads the better. Yes, I did say liberals. The "conservatives" (btw, if you side with bush, you're not a conservative) already know that - they're just trying to bullshit the liberals to distract from the inadequacies of their president.
Well, the Bush supporters don't have Janet Reno to stonewall for them.
first I'm not sure why you put wife in quotes. Are you suggesting that marriages that aren't between two conservatives are morally wrong too?
Strawman. No, I did it because their marriage is a sham.
And second, you might want to stop there. You're displaying a shocking lack of knowledge about the healthcare system. Or are you suggesting that it's a much better system to have millions without insurance, millions more with inadequate coverage, and the rest of us largely dependant on HMO's who say things like cancer treatments are medically unnecessary, while at the same time companies across the country are struggling to meet mounting benefits costs?
Are you still pissed about your medical bills? Get over it, it's ancient history, like Clinton. And if Bush learned from Clinton, he'll wait a couple of years and pardon Cunningham, like Clinton pardoned Dan Rostenkowski.
And that's campaign CONTRIBUTORS. Saying that's Clinton's fault is rather like saying I'm guilty of murder because I met a murderer once. Let's get just a touch realistic in our arguments, shall we?
Then all of the people who bribed Cunningham aren't guilty. Your line of reasoning is seriously flawed.
This from the same group of people that say just being investigated doesn't mean anything and we should ignore it. Oh, now I get it. That's when a REPUBLICAN is investigated. When anyone ELSE gets investigated, they deserve the chair. I love hypocracy, don't you?
Better tell that to the people who want to send DeLay and Cheney to the chair. And Frist, and Libby, and any other Republican with a parking ticket.
A statistic from a rather pathetic list. This list includes his brother Roger (drug trafficking) - so now Clinton is responsible for the crimes of his family? Neat! Let's start talking about Jenna and Laura then shall we? And let's dig up everyone Bush has ever had any slight contact with (or even reach further than that if we want to stay in the spirit of your list) and see who gets more convictions.
SHALL WE? You're about five years behind the times. If a tenth of the stonewalling occurs that Janet Reno undertook, there wont' be a single conviction.
And how many were audited who were not critical of the Clinton administration? I'll give you a hint. It's a hell of a lot more than 45, which makes your point meaningless.
Not even YOU believe that one.
What is your point? That has nothing to do with what is happening NOW. NOW is important. Clinton screwing some chick over a decade ago is NOT important.
Then chill, and in five years, whatever Bush did or didn't do won't be important.
I'm cutting a bunch of the crap you wrote because it's just not worth replying to, but this one I HAD to address.
I'm cutting you off now. Your post is too Host-like.